Your Voice Matters

Are you a Jewish professional working in a secular nonprofit or foundation?

We need your insights! 

Our landscape survey aims to understand the unique experiences you face in your workplace. Your responses will directly influence the development of resources, support systems, and advocacy efforts. Together, we can build a more inclusive and empowering nonprofit sector.

The 10-minute survey is completely confidential, and two participants will be randomly selected to receive $250 as appreciation for their time. 

Take the survey now:


Is the survey actually confidential?

The survey doesn't collect any information about who someone is, where they work, or any other data that isn't voluntarily provided by the responder. It would not be possible to track responses to an individual unless someone goes out of the way to tell us. The data are self reported, so even if "Bob Dylan" took the survey we wouldn't be able to tell if it was really him.

How will the data be used?

The survey is a way for us to learn what people want and need to continue their mission-critical work in nonprofit spaces. We want the issues to be highlighted, not the specific people who are sharing their workplace experiences. The information will be used to build solutions to strengthen the secular nonprofit world, not vilify people with differing opinions.